知物│識材 辦公空間, 禾光室內裝修設計 ─ Her Guang Design 禾光室內裝修設計 ─ Her Guang Design 商业空间 辦公大樓
知物│識材 辦公空間, 禾光室內裝修設計 ─ Her Guang Design 禾光室內裝修設計 ─ Her Guang Design 商业空间 辦公大樓

知物 ─ 知物之不同,知物同。

〈莊子〉中有一段齧缺和王倪討論萬物共同的道理,齧缺問乎王倪曰:「子知物之所同是乎?」… 這段話讓我們拋開框架,重新思考角料及夾板… 等基本素材。



Knowing the nature of things—both the similarities and differences.

In The Zhuangzi1, Nie Que2 asks Wang Ni3: “Do you know the common nature of all things?” The inspired our design. We should step out of the box, considering using more authentic materials. Before, wood veneer is often used as indoor materials rather than solid wood in high-humidity northern Taiwan. To implement an environmentally friendly design and highlight the pure nature, we use plywood and laminated veneer lumber(LVL) as the materials in this design, focusing on the concept of the “nature of things.”

The design returns to materials research and uses the plant cell structure of trees to explore life’s demand for space. Plywood and LVL are moisture-resistant and eco-friendly building materials. Wood veneer is not a choice anymore; we emphasize the real texture of the materials without too much processing but only an oil polish at the surface. The attitude of coexisting with the Earth is conveyed through the natural materials, bringing more vitality to the space.

1: Zhuangzi is a famous Chinese philosopher, and The Zhuangzi is a compilation of his and others writings.

2 & 3: Scholars at the time.

植物細胞壁具有保護和彈性的結構負責植物組織吸收、運輸、分泌… 等相關。將細胞壁形成的木質部及維管束轉化為空間中的格柵,通過基本建材夾板、角料做規劃,室外夾板格柵,串聯內、外關係,保持空氣流動、陽光自然引入,讓人與外在環境在適當的距離交流。室內集成角料製成的格柵,從天花往下延伸為特殊系統的植生牆面,像是大樹下掩蔽自然生長的綠意,室內淨化空氣的植物成為室外自然的風景。

The cell wall of plant cell is a protective and flexible structure responsible for absorption, transportation and secretion of plant tissues. In this design, the grids are a metaphor of the cell wall, connecting outdoor and indoor areas and introducing natural air and sunlight into the house. The indoor grids made of LVL extend from the ceiling and become a vertical garden wall, transforming the indoor space into a natural outdoor scene.


In this design, the grids are a metaphor of the cell wall, connecting outdoor and indoor areas. Furthermore, as middle lamella is the outermost layer of the cell wall that links the adjacent cells together, the two-sided open bookcase is used to represent as the middle lamella. The semi-transparent bookcase creates an ambiguous atmosphere in the space, bringing the public and private area together but also ensuring their privacy at the same time.


The concept that a tree consists of a number of cells is applied to the open bookcase. The plywood shelves with different sizes are regarded as independent cells, piling up to form the entire bookcase. It looks like the middle lamella and cell wall support each other, independent yet closely bonded. The pillars made of old table legs with new paint are solid enough to carry heavy materials and books. The materials are subdivided into different layers and orientations, creating a spatial depth.


In this design, plant cells are used as the metaphor to explore the story in the space. With such an innovative idea and non-conventional decorative techniques, the space gets to constantly evolve and further shows the real value of design.


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