源自原本 Essence 源原設計 YYDG INTERIOR DESIGN 现代客厅設計點子、靈感 & 圖片
源自原本 Essence 源原設計 YYDG INTERIOR DESIGN 现代客厅設計點子、靈感 & 圖片



We use the idea of “origin” as our starting point and expand it to the entire design of the case. The metaphor is used to imply people’s dream of embracing their innate and nature and further retrospect our previous definition of perfect.

為強調純粹、直觀的自然之美,擺脫對無瑕的執念,自然物質在時光中不可預測的變化正是屋主傾心原由,因此全案物料盡可能取之自然的原樸物料,讓人隨著位移或環境光影欣賞時, 能感受肌理變化。

To emphasize the pure and intuitive beauty of nature and get rid of the immaculate obsession, natural substance’s unpredictable change in time is the exact reason that attracts house owners; therefore, all materials in the case must use raw natural materials as possible as we can, making people feel about texture’s changes in different locations or at the moment of enjoying the light and shadow in space.


homify - 打造美好家園



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