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盛裝蓊鬱 , 爾聲空間設計有限公司 爾聲空間設計有限公司 餐廳 木頭 Wood effect
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盛裝蓊鬱 , 爾聲空間設計有限公司 爾聲空間設計有限公司 餐廳 木頭 Wood effect

On our first visit of the apartment, we were overwhelmed by the sweeping view of Mt. Shamao from every windows of the apartment. Although the site is surrounded by amazing scenery, the internal space was divided by existing columns that fragmented and separated the apartment into pockets of spaces which meant that line of sight to the windows were obstructed from most parts of the apartments We knew right away that the biggest asset of the apartment is its natural surroundings and the mission is therefore to come up with a design that connects the natural space outside with the internal space and maximize the amount of point of sights from the house to the windows and in return maximizing the amount of natural light permeating through the apartment.




在臥室動線規化方面,使用木作推拉門代替傳統的實牆隔間。當有小朋友造訪時,將推門拉開收入預留的位置,藉此開放隔間。在這樣的開放空間裡, 不僅可以增加小朋友自由活動的範圍,也能因應長輩在不同時間的照顧與互動關係。

建材的使用多元化,利用天然木皮於地板,收納櫃及窗框。天然石材於電視牆,玄關及衛浴 。不銹鋼鐵件烤漆來強化柱子與梁的線條。天然亞麻籽製成的面板用於書桌區。鏡子牆面用於玄關區, 把天然的光線帶入比較陰暗的地區而使得光亮.

顏色: Wood effect
材質: 木頭

homify - 打造美好家園



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