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合院之家夜間 哈塔阿沃設計 hataarvo design 房子
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合院之家夜間 哈塔阿沃設計 hataarvo design 房子

合院之家(SKY House),位在台中,以院為名。因為業主希望有傳統三合院的感受,但又不要傳統式樣的建築。於是從基地本身出發,我們轉化延續傳統合院空間的特質,在設計上有三個量體,一樓前半是半公共的交誼空間,後半是較為隱私的居家空間,二樓則是整層主臥可以遠眺台中夜景。三個量體所組成的ㄇ型建築與L型的基地圍塑出一個中庭,並且讓室內動線不斷地動態轉折連結室內與室外的場域。光線越是深入室內越是開闊明亮,轉折的牆呼應著基地的特性,也讓光線變得更有變化而且溫和。由於土地是特有的紅土,因此我們希望建築量體順應的土壤的顏色,室內洞石地板的質感與顏色也讓室外的紅土與室內更為緊密的相連。期待這樣的建築可以帶給人們實現夢想的幸福感。

SKY House, located in Taichung, named after “courtyard.” By client request, the work was inspired by traditional san-ho-yuan building, without taking the traditional form. Following the nature of the site and special elements of traditional san-ho-yuan, the house is composed of three compartments. The ground floor is designed with a semi-public space on the half closer to the entrance, and there is a private living space on the other half further inside the house. The second floor serves as the master bedroom, with a view overlooking Taichung city. With the “ㄇ” shaped by the three compartments of the house and the “L” shaped by the nature of the site, a courtyard in the middle is formed, which allows continuous circulation between the indoor and outdoor spaces. The light gets brighter as you walk deeper into the inner space of the house. The shifting walls echo with the nature of the site, creating lights with variations and softening the lighting of the space. In considering for the red clay on site, the house is designed to display the same color scheme as the natural ground it sits on. The texture and color of the indoor stone floor also connects to the outdoor red clay space closely. We hope this house can inspire people to continue pursuing their goals and passions.


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