In / Out, 沈志忠聯合設計 沈志忠聯合設計 現代房屋設計點子、靈感 & 圖片
In / Out, 沈志忠聯合設計 沈志忠聯合設計 現代房屋設計點子、靈感 & 圖片



在空間的軸線運用下,玄關一入口即是透淨的端景,讓視覺直接地延伸至戶外,X 軸向的餐桌更拉出兩端的框景,由室內框景拉至窗景,一步步將屋主的印象烙印在腦海中!為營造出無界限的空間,運用材質的肌理與特性將戶外重新轉介至室內,在玄關前黑白輝映的版岩地面,一路延伸至玻璃廊道外;人們印象中粗糙的清水模以細膩的木紋被再現;粗曠的石磚傳遞著大地的厚實感;原本應是大廳視線障礙的中柱,因斑駁鐵鏽的素材,成功的化為吸睛亮點。搭配具層次的框景,視覺角度由室內豐富的自然紋理,被引導連結至戶外,窗外透進粗細不一、穿透的光線,再現日月光影軸線,如此細微的界線,讓表皮化作虛無,重釋了 In / Out 的定義!

All design inspirations come from a photo of the house owner. It shows a picturesque and tranquil scene in the midst of the lush woods, making everyone who sees it refreshing. The owner hopes his house is designed to be like the scene in the photo. Thus, the photo is source of the design inspiration… The site is located in the hillside of Yangming Mountain. The entire building is surrounded by the nature. Based on the excellent geological conditions, the designer hopes to continuously utilize a vision of green to convey the design concept that interior/exterior has no boundaries, and create the impressive landscape similar to that of the owner’s photo. Through the spatial axles, the vestibule entrance has penetrating side view, which is extended to the outside. At the dining table in the X axis direction, two enframed sceneries from both sides are rendered, and the interior enframed scenery is extended to the view outside the window, leaving an outstanding impression.In order to create a boundless space, texture and characteristics of material are used in interior decoration. In front of the vestibule, the black slate floor with white stripes is extended to outside of the glass corridor; exposed concrete which originally considers coarse appears in a fine wood grain; coarse tiles show a sense of massiveness; the middle column which was unsightly has become a highlight due to mottled rust. With the hierarchical enframed scenery, the vision is led to the outside from rich interior texture. Perspective outside of window varies in thickness, and passes through the light ray to regenerate moon and sun shadow axial line. With the unobvious boundary line, the surface is hidden to reinterpret definition of In /Out!


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