養食|Living-a-better-life Organic Grocery, 理絲室內設計有限公司 Ris Interior Design Co., Ltd. 理絲室內設計有限公司 Ris Interior Design Co., Ltd. 餐廳 塑木複合材料 台中,室內設計,理絲室內設計
養食|Living-a-better-life Organic Grocery, 理絲室內設計有限公司 Ris Interior Design Co., Ltd. 理絲室內設計有限公司 Ris Interior Design Co., Ltd. 餐廳 塑木複合材料 台中,室內設計,理絲室內設計

何謂樂活?藉由慢食、養生,相信美好生活源自健康的選擇,項次也許不多,但擁有的皆是精粹。主視覺由橄欖綠瀰漫有機的氣息,交錯的拼接讓簡單的木紋有了新意,同時保留淳樸的本質;大理石紋路的奔放瑰麗在俐落切割的分配下顯得內斂,香檳色線條與光源縱橫交錯,不多不少地刻劃生活必須的結構;挑高的空間使得吊燈的姿態更顯從容,愜意地賴在吧檯輕啜一口天然的淬煉,對望留白的牆面讓綠意的陳列恰當好處。素簡卻精緻、純粹卻豐富,一股滿溢的心意販售 ”Living a better life” 。


Let's live on Hygge way. Healthy food, positive minds, and a sunlit grocery should be essential to you. Arrays of marble give a contemporary distinction, sustaining a lavish undertone of space. While wood textured imbues with natural pleasure in form of herringbone patterns, its essence echoes to fresh and organic vibes from dark olive backdrops. Sip a soft drink and overlook blank walls weaving gilded trims and LED lighting together, culminating with a delightedly warm hue.


顏色: Wood effect
材質: 塑木複合材料

homify - 打造美好家園



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