alltime, 初向設計 初向設計 商业空间 商業空間
alltime, 初向設計 初向設計 商业空间 商業空間

光室 由於四周都是較低老式建築 門面直向鐵件網使植栽能夠向上攀伸並阻隔強烈的西曬溫度及光線 室內的天井採光罩將光線沿著白牆柔和的引入室內空間 垂釣式的植栽作為動線區隔 整體空間利用圓形的鏡面及旋轉鐵件樓梯當作視覺的主軸 讓雙面的鏡面穿透放大的效果 以白色作為空間基底 並用黑色鐵件 灰色地坪 綠色植栽搭配整合 與業主共同的想法都是 若能在陽光及佈滿植栽的地方下剪頭髮是件讓人多期待的事啊

[Lighted room] Surrounded by relatively low old-fashioned constructions and their large wire fences. Facing the street makes it possible for the plants to climb up and have the function of blocking the intense westward-irradiation temperature and rays of light. The skylight of the indoor atrium leads the rays of light into the indoor space along the white walls and the vertical plants acting as a flow partition allow the entire space to make use of the circular mirror surface and whirl iron stairs as key visuals and to cause the double-sided penetrating surfaces to produce magnifying effects. Using white color as the space basis, black iron, gray floor and green plants to integrate collocation. The common idea with the owner is that if one can have a haircut under the sun and in a full planting environment, it would be a long-awaited exciting thing to do.  


homify - 打造美好家園



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